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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs

Your problem Roger is you just 'Try too Hard' and make outrageous claims that are just not realistic. You have called EXACT tops and bottoms many times over the last few years that have been very early or out by a wide margin and then just updated the call as if you had just predicted it. That is trying too hard and over exaggerating your calls. And the only posts I have ever deleted are ones where I made a mistake on the post or chart and then re posted it minutes later with the corrections. Your calls of EXACT tops are no where near exact and no one could actually place futures trades on them without huge drawdowns. When for instance did you 1st call a Corn top this year. I don't read all your posts as I got tired of the constant 'EXACT PREDICTIONS' that just didn't pan out. But I do recall this spring your corn "TOP" prediction and we just recently saw new highs in Corn AGAIN this month! That is not EXACT as you well know. About the same time as your original TOP prediction I started posting a Corn chart that just kept right on rallying as that's what the chart said it was going to do along with the seasonal trend charts. Nothing to do with me just the technicals and seasonals. I'm not trying to pretend to be a guru that can predict the future. I don't really care Roger. And it's not my intention to pounce on you for trying to show another way of trading. Anything that gives an edge to trading is useful and worth the read. The only thing that pisses me off is your outrageous claims of perfection when in fact they are far from it. I don't question cycles either. Seasonals are also cycles. I have found cycles that did actually predict tops and bottoms myself but have never professed them to be EXACT tops and bottoms. They are guides nothing more with "high probabilities" just like any other method of suggesting a high or low or uptrend or downtrend. You just need to stop coming off as a guru with EXACT predictive calls and start calling them what they are: "High probability AREAS" of price. Being totally honest about your work that I don't doubt has predictive VALUE allows others to take it seriously and not just blow it off as another wild prediction when more new highs come weeks or months later at their expense. As I said your work likely has solid value much like other methods but just don't call it something it's not that's all. And pouncing on my post with a simple seasonal chart as a defense of your work is foolish and uncalled for as seasonals are also cycles at work. Also not a sign of someone confident of his own work. And technicals also reflect everything. I'm sure crop reports add value as well. All these things add VALUE but whatever you are doing is not the Holy Grail and you can't expect others to believe it is. Call it what it is without the guru status you seem to be seeking. Everyone just might buy whatever you are selling if you stop over hyping the calls. Even me!!! Nothing worse than overselling something as it backfires everytime. Tone it down a few notches and you'll find a much wider acceptance of the practical and realistic value it may have on these 'AREAS' where tops and bottoms are 'LIKELY" to appear. You might be surprised at the interest. No offense was ever intended!

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Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs *PIC*