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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Czar of government employee firing... *LINK*

When I told y'all I had offered to be Donald Trumps Czar of government employee firing...you probably thought it was a job of small proportions that I was volunteering for. Nay, says I, it is a job of monumental proportions. Check out the numbers in this article. I thought I could get a train car full of crime scene tape, cause it is a crime for the guvment to employ this many people, and wrap building with it and then declare if your building is wrapped...you're fired. Screw that...that's like dropping a firecracker when a nuke is required. I'll have to come up with a better plan of mass fire-ation.

Just think...all these people that work for the government require payment from your pay check. They're paid better than most and have much better pension plans...also from your paycheck. And worst of all...they are unionized.

Was reading a story about a Trump-ite T-shirt that had the media's panties in a bunch...it read "tree, rope, journalist...some assembly required. HAHAHA

"Government employment grew from 22,216,000 in September to 22,235,000 in October, according to BLS, while manufacturing jobs dropped from 12,267,000 to 12,258,000.The 22,235,000 employed by government in the United States now outnumber the 12,258,000 employed in manufacturing by 9,977,000."