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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Army of drag queens... *LINK*

This is over the top stupid...Some congress critter proposed a bill saying the military did not have to take money from the defense of the country and spend it on turning men into women...literally. No sex change operations. Call me old fashioned but that's not the purpose of the military or monies dedicated to it for the purpose of defending the country.

The bill failed...why...because 24 republicans voted with the democraps to kill the bill so the military would have to pay for men to become women and vise versa...I guess. Just, wow!

Here are the 24, so called, republicans:
California Rep. Paul Cook
California Rep. Jeff Denham
California Rep. Steve Knight
California Rep. Darrell Issa
Colorado Rep Mike Coffman
Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo
Florida Rep. Lena Ros-Lehtinen
Florida Rep. Brian Mast
Michigan Rep. Justin Amash
Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman
New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance
New Jersey Rep. Frank Lobiondo
New Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur
New York Rep. John Faso
New York Rep. Elise Stefanik
New York Rep. Tom Reed
New York Rep. John Katko
New York Rep. Claudia Tenney
Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello
Pennsylvania Rep. Charles Dent
Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Shuster
Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock
Washington Rep. David Reichert