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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

3,400 Colorado voters canceled voter registration *LINK*

"Nearly 3,400 Colorado voters canceled their voter registrations following the request by President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity that all 50 states provide details about registrants, The Denver Post reported Thursday."

Well...why do you think they did that? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. Yes, that's right...they cancelled their voter registration because they were fraudulent somehow and they didn't want to get caught. Imagine that.

And then you get this idiot saying he hoped they would reconsider...oh sure...go ahead and re-register even though it's obvious to a box of rocks why they withdrew in the first place.

"Colorado's Republican Secretary of State Wayne Williams said in a statement he hoped those who canceled their registration would reconsider.
"It's my hope that folks who withdrew their registration will re-register, particularly once they realize that no confidential information will be provided and that the parties and presidential candidates already have the same publicly available information from the 2016 election cycle," Williams stated."