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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

TN Rejects Plan to Remove Civil War Statue *LINK* *PIC*

Ole Nathan lives on in the state capital. I never even knew who Nathan Bedford Forrest was until a few years ago. He was a civil war "hero". OK, I can deal with that. Who cares? Then as it turns out he was a slave trader. We'll OK, that chit happened. There were black slave traders, too. On top of that, I have news for those who can't let that go(they really can let it go but they use it as a political tool because they are political tools) it wasn't a bunch of white people chasing down Africans and shipping them to wherever. It was other African tribes chasing down and enslaving other Africans. It's like I used to tell a black liberal whenever he would go off about slavery...man, you're just pissed off because your relatives were members of the slow tribe.

Back to Nathan...he was also the first grand wizard of the KKK and from what I understand started the KKK(?). Basically, he was a dirt bag as I see it and couldn't care less about having the statue in the state capital or not. But...since it's there...what the hell does it do to me. Nothing. What does it do to anyone? Nothing. It could be argued that it serves a benefit...who is that man Mama...well, he was a closed minded, bigoted, raciest democrat from way back who thought people should have the right to own other people.

So a bunch of peeps wanted the statue of ole Nathan be gone. Be gone ole Nathan, they said. Be gone. The peeps who vote on such things here said...Nay to Nathan removal. So ole Nat marches on.

Somewhere down I-65 a private citizen erected, who knows when, a stupid looking statue to Ole Nat...and the be goners wanted that be gone, too. But, it's on private property so Ole Nat marches on there, too.

Why? I guess because the owner wants it that way. Must be a democrat.

Oh...going down I-65 some years back and seeing the statue to Nat was what prompted me to investigate. The picture below doesn't really do it justice...in real life its more stupid looking than the pic depicts.