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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

well, well, well...the collusion

A party of LIES. EVERYTHING…everything…that comes from the mouths of the democrats is a LIE! Everything that comes out of the mouth of the Clinturds is a lie! Always has been, always will be. EVERYTHING that came or comes out of the mouth of Ocrapper is and was a LIE! EVERTHING that comes from the DNC is and has always been a LIE!

Democrats are LIARS! They lie because they can not tell the truth about who they are and the political philosophy they espouse…communism. Leftism, socialism, progressivism, communism is a LIE. They HATE and specifically they HATE America.

Collusion? Trump colluded with the Russians. That’s the big lie. The lie designed to throw off guilt of the left…Ocrapper, Clinturds, the Demonic National Party of lies. These a-holes a traitors.

Turns out they, the Turds, the Crapper, the DNC is who colluded with the Russians to sell the Russians Uranium. They are projectionists. They project off on others their own shortcomings. If they call you a liar it is they who are the liars. If they call you a raciest it is they who are the raciest. If they call you or accuse you of anything it is they who are that thing.

If they accuse you of being a colluder with the Russians it is they who are the colluders.

Hang them for the traitors they are.

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well, well, well...the collusion
Re: well, well, well...the collusion /W