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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Sorry...I have to comment on Trump

Hi Mark,

what is wrong about that term? Social media and other forms of communication create 'slang' terms that describe a certain mindset, let's say.

What is wrong with the terminology?

Liberalism is a mental retardation. It is a brainwashing that is brain cell recessive. We have liberal professors in universities teaching young adults that when U

feel offended by a word in person or online, that violence has been committed?! The outrage is nothing has been done about it.

These profs with tenure should be kicked out to the curb to learn how to make a real living!

As for trading, here's a tip, stay away from longing Bitcoin and other nonsensical coins.

I still debate people on Stocktwits who claim it will take over as the NEW global reserve currency.

Imagine that, a digital vapor coin that no govt backs as legal tender, which ran up from approx 5K to almost 15K and back down below 10K

within the last 12 months, yah..going to be a currency..lmao!! How is global trade able to function with that sort of volatility?
