You are challenging someone who does not charge for their knowledge to show profitability. You sell a course for money and claim 'successful' trading but evade the question of profitability whenever asked. Anyone can 'successfully' place an order in the market. Whether or not the order is part of a profitable trade or system has nothing to do with it.
Having traded for many years, I can't count the times I have 'successfully' placed an order that has cost me money. Proper semantics can mislead, but it can also keep the regulators out of your hair.
Also, if someone is talking about their trades based on the tree rings from the firewood used to heat their house, or any other method, it's pretty unimportant. They could just be a kook sitting in Mom's basement. However, when they start charging for their knowledge, that is when their track record becomes of some importance.
If you want to dismiss someone else's method of analysis, show us that your's does work. Completed trades, one purchase and one sale each. We will accept hypothetical, as long as they are possible in the real market.
Matthew C. Shelley
Commodity Broker
As always: Trading in futures and options is very high risk investing. You can lose all or more of the money you invest. Only risk capital should be used.