Yes a combination of a few aggregations all at the same time can be the trigger for an outburst as one can only take so much b.s. at one time. On the Canadian West Coast we are paying $4.25 to $4.60 for one U.S.gallon of gas. Mainly due to a variety of taxes to subsidize transit, Goods and Service Tax, Federal Tax and a variety of taxes to pay for something or another. When I fill up my Jeep Grand Cherokee it often hits $100 and stops as that's the maximum allowed on one credit card use at the gas station. That's when I lose it the most. The Premier here that was so popular hit us with another tax and the public flipped out and after constant pressure resigned and even his own party disowned him. In my political area we are signing a petition to recall our elected member who was a member of the ruling party that supported this new tax and other areas are doing the same. The shit has hit the fan and until people flip out and actually do something politicians will not react or respond if the sheep just keep herding according to the shepherd. Now they are listening and its amazing how many good ideas they are coming up with to solve the problem. Even many members of the official opposition party forced their leader to resign for lack of positive ideas. So they are all falling all over each other trying to make the public happy again and hopefully get elected. We will ultimately still get screwed with taxes but they all know all the eyes are upon them and getting elected is not going to be the cake walk it once was. There is something about signing a petition to recall your elected member that is empowering and definitely feels good if nothing else. Nice to send a message that the public is paying attention and there are consequences to their actions. And fwiw Gasoline seasonals are the most bullish from Jan to mid May and seasonals for Crude are most bullish from mid Jan to mid Sept.