selling options carries no more, than trading the actual underlying product.
often much less risk? THAT IS SILLY!
(There are ways to reduce risk in selling options) LOL!
There are ALL-WAYS ways? LOL!
Maybe tell a newbie that you don't like that crap.
It is best for the average person to NOT trade ANYTHING!
BUT? If they want to and for some reason HAVE to try trading.
LEARN and TEST and have the method - FIRST!
Then watch a few low margin - high volume markets.
And then trade a few times, untill you get the feel for it.
(This is when demo-paper trading can help and get you use to the markets, putting in orders ect. and trading)
Once you have that all down and confidence. Follow and trade a few futures markets with real money. Hopefully just a few trades a week or so using daily or even weekly data. But what ever you like and know. Is what you have to trade!
Good luck!