I don't follow commodities anymore so I don't have any silver charts with my indicators and cycles on them. So I can't say much ether way on it much. But just looking at the silver charts on this site. I see no sell signals in dec. for my type of trading in commodities. And I only saw the first of jan. maybe basicly do nothing? A few days ago, I may have gotten a possible sell signal? But I can't be sure without the indicators. I was always on the conservative side when trading commodities and for the most part was trading grains and meats.
It is hard without the indicators and then even with them. I could only say if I would long, short or out.
Because I don't analyse markets. I just take the signals.
Also the indicatosr and cycles would be different for commodities compared to stocks and also from market to market. Even the buys would be different than the sells ect.
As far as stock options?
Of course I didn't trade the puts. Cause I can't know before hand the future. LOL!
But I did do the calls and got stopped out with my profits.
For the most part I don'y buy options on friday to hold over the weekend. I also in general usually will not hold options over weekend.
I am sure you and everyone else knows this. But even though the markets don't trade over the weekend, options will lose 2 days of their value over the 2 day weekend and if there is a holiday they will lose 3 days value over that 3 day period. So they lose even though there is no trading?
Anyway good luck in learning about commodity and silver options. Of course they could go up, down or sideways? The moves could be big or small?
For the most part. It seems TIME is the killer of options and options traders. The market can move in the traders direction and TIME can still kill the trade?
TIME is the enemy. I like to take time out of the equation for the most part?