Today's Market View Corn Futures Expected to Open 5 to 7 Higher as of 7:15 a.m. CST
24 minutes ago
Corn: Corn continued to strengthen its uptrend Tuesday as noncommercial traders added on to their near-record net-long futures position.
Soybeans: Rain in Argentina over the weekend sparked selling from both sides of the market and solid losses despite strong gains in the other grains and the weaker U.S. dollar index.
Wheat: Large announced sales to Algeria (600,000 mt optional origin) and Turkey (175,000 mt HRW from the U.S.) led to sharp gains Tuesday.
Cotton: Volatility remains at a fevered pitch in cotton with renewed noncommercial buying pushing contracts to limit-up gains.
Live cattle: The February contract traded near limit-up only to close lower as buying interest dried up from both sides of the market, though deferred issues held sharp gains.