You have to remember. With the web you can find any info to prove any point you would like to prove?
Best to stay away from the net?
I like the way our local weather people do it.
With no bias one way or the other. They just simply look at what we all look at. The simple thermometer.
Over time look at them at the same locations, times and dates during the year over many years and do an average!
You can run two tests like this.
The one I like is like I do in trading.
Throw out the high deviation highs and lows. For myself I like that average better. I consider it more of a true average, even though it is not a true show of picking a certain time ect.
In trading it works great.
Simple, easy and accurate!
You then have none of this. Its colder in miami? Or its hotter in maine? Or dec. was hotter? Or dec. was colder?
I think gore has a crappy way of looking at it and his thought are wrong.
You may not have been around back then and you may also be one who does not believe in cycles or lots of changing?
But back when Gore first came up with the global warming crap. I was one of the FEW! On this forum, to say it was just cycles and gores idea may be just crap? I also said back then that the projections and solar cycles showed it should start a cooling cycle in 2009-2010 and the next 10 years there may even be talk of a new ice age coming?
You know they always have to talk something and worry about something? LOL! If not, we would have no news?
Probably the wobble and axis change of the earth has had a lot to do with some of the stuff?
I remember the projections of terrible droughts, floods-rains, Earth-quakes, tital waves, Tsunamis.
Big moves in grains, cotton, oils, stocks.
Most didn't agree and most don't like cycles?
But, we can look back and SEE! What went on! And is going on!
What next? Who knows?
Lets just trade what we see. And let the rest ride!