Re: HAL..Natgas costs...J.J.
Hi Hal,
I started to look into Ng production costs a few weeks back when Trades posted the comments on the CNG for Chicago taxis. Also have an interest in LNG. Trades also posted on a company GL?? that has transport ships and offloading ships for re-gasification of LNG at various offloading ports to tie into the destination pipeline system. That company seems to be doing very well.
What caught my interest was my expectation that the Liquification process, low temp. high pressure transport and final regasification for insertion into the local Ng pipeline system would be fairly expensive.\\
As Trades pointed out, the GL?? Co. is doing quite well.
I concluded that there must be a fair amount of "low cost production" gas out there with no readily available pipelines to bring it to market.
So, I became curious about production costs AND FRANKLY did not turn up much of anything as quickly as I thought I should be able to. Ran out of time and quit at that point.
You mentioned EnCana and their quarterly report:
Here is link to report:
This is title of section that seems to have some data:
[attempt to display the data did not work very well]
Supplemental Oil and Gas Operating Statistics (unaudited)
I clearly did not figure it out.
Clearly, to me at least, no company wants to expose their costs to their competition. But I do think some "ball park" numbers should be out there somewhere ???
I did not succeed as yet in finding anything !!!
JJ has certainly asked enough times to no avail and I certainly expect that he has tried as well.
Hal, do you have any further thoughts. I certainly recognize your comments on the variables in the equation.
Thanks, Lee