Thanks for the advice, Trades.
I wonder if perhaps you might continue sharing your insights, and tell me if I have been mistaken in the following:
1) my hope that I have done a decent job of tending the forum. I admit that things sometimes go badly awry when I dare take vacation for a week or travel for a weekend (leaving the reigns in less experienced hands); and
2) my belief that through my investment in in time and resources in running the forum, I make a useful contribution to the trading community. (Advertising revenue generated by the forum does not come close to paying for the time invested -- and much of that time is demanded at those most-valued "off hours" that should be spent with family).
If I am mistaken in those beliefs then perhaps this forum has outlived its usefulness, or perhaps (as you seem to suggest) someone much smarter, wiser or more experienced than me should take the helm to show how it should be done. Any volunteers?