Hi Trades,
Noticed in your post the other day that you were looking at the double short Euro ETF:EUO. As of last night I am just starting to read some on ETFs. A couple of quick questions that you may be able to answer for me.
If you are busy no need to respond as I think for the next day or so I can start getting up to speed, but was looking for a kick start.
- Based on what I read you can buy them in ones stock account and they have their own symbol like you post for the double short ETF:EUO?
- ETFs have some type of fee associated with them, but will be generally smaller than a mutual fund due to not having a front end or back end fee. If you buy the ETF in the stock account, how is the fee paid?
- I have seen a silver ETF (I believe SLV) in some posts on this forum before. Are you aware of a short ETF for silver like the short ETF you mentioned for the Euro.
With the big moves in silver the wipsaws can be tough. Just looking for a way that may be more suitable for me to short once the silver party is over and the bartender says last call for silver.