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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: March 19 'Supermoon' /My family is in Hawaii

Already happening...
My boys are with thier mom in Hawaii on vacation (just 3rd day) and they had to leave thier beachside hotel in Lahaina, Maui to drive up the hillside a ways to get away from the expected 6-10 tsunami arriving around 3:00 am local time. They are way up the hillside and have plenty of food and water...and now they tell me they are being surrounded by locals parking beside them on the side of the roadway...to wait until dawn and see what happens....(at least thier cell reception is good!)
Sirens are sounding all around them, (I see on the news the entire shoreline of every island is being evacuated!)
they were a bit frightened at first but now they feel safe and are settling down...

Those poor Japanese! We should all pray for them... My gawd...

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Re: March 19 'Supermoon' /My family is in Hawaii