Understanding that this will most likely open a can of worms, there is a question that begs to be asked.
All the comments concerning corn speak of what needs to happen to confirm that a top is in place. Corn has dropped 90 cents in 6 trading days!! And yet, the methods that seem to be the accepted still can't come to the conclusion that there is a top in place. Cycles get maligned and portrayed as the work of the devil by some, and yet it is cycle work that posted a top on this site, the day after the decline started. Using the "accepted" methods, that still haven't concluded a top is place, how does one ever take a position. By the time the conclusion is reached, the market will have already dropped over a dollar?!? It seems that by then the risk is overwhelming.
I realize everyone is different and to each his own. But why spend one's life studying a method that requires such massive retracement before a conclusion can be reached?