Once you begin to view time going around a circle, you can then view price in the same manner. This will let you "see" time and price doing the same thing.
In nearby soybeans, the 7-3-08 top of $16.63 is almost exactly 2 years to the 6-29-10 low of $9.43. This is where the markets really took off and got going. 2 cycles = 720 degrees of time. The difference in price between those 2 points was 720 cents.
Furthermore venus moved exactly 360 degrees from the 6-29-10 low to the ultimate top of 2-10-11. The two planets orbits are in the ratio of 1.618. That is to say 365 divided by 225 is very close to 1.618. The construction of our solar system is filled with this ratio, and that is the reason, 1.618 shows up so often when measuring time and/or price.