So we'll see if the Eagles can get the job done this year. Good luck on the Corn trade. So far it's looking good. Price does need to hold below the latest support level breakdown but should do. So far haven't heard about the March/08 low that never changed the trend. That's the one just before the listed one on Dec/08. Also no comment on the 3 Bradley dates of Feb 17/11, July 29/11 and Dec28/11. I went online but couldn't find a site to check out what astrological or planet confluence those 3 dates had in common. And some clarification on the May date he listed. I'm "assuming" it is a 'market turn' date. Perhaps he's working on an explanation that we can keep an eye on. Realistically that's all one can expect. And then 'if' a 'turn date' is hitting a sell off low or rally high I'd like to know and combine it with the charts and indicators and perhaps trade it then.