Now that is a trend Fiedel Castro would love. I believe in Cuba 80% work for the government due to the nationalization of a lot of business. However, the aging Castro has recently said his plan for the economy has flat out not worked, and they are now starting to reduce the size of government in their economy. Of course there is a whole generation that stagnated and rotted on the vine during his time in power.
Well lets give it another 50 yrs (one more generation) and maybe we can catch Cuba, if they actually reduce the number of govt workers. I'm glad I'll be dead and not around to see it, if it happens.
Yep manufacturing is not what it use to be. Now we manufacture mostly pizza's, tacos, subs, and hamburgers.
Wayne you are in Tennessee correct? I'm in Texas and its a right to work state. Is Tennessee a right to work state, so you don't have to join a union, if you don't want to?