Hi Wayne,
On this:
But I also think everything else that can be cut should be cut first because SS is the only program that pays out money where the recipient puts money in for the payout. The payout is whopper jawed in comparison to the input but at least there is some input...unlike welfare etc. "
There has been "input" on Medicare from the beginning as well (began in 1966).
On everything else - cut all that can - all the agencies that you mentioned before plus some. Shut them down and start over where necessary.
On medicare and welfare - shut it down, but then you are "killing people as you objected to on abortion" but I think the medicare and welfare recipients can do "community service" work and reduce the payrolls of states/municipalities for those activities.
On Medicare for illegal aliens - send them back !!
- Can't figure out why they are here in the first place except the liberal politicians figure that they managed to get here, they will solve the problem of voting for the "party that lets them stay" !!
BUTTT, you know, that every job we cut from the Federal, State, Municipal payroll/dole cuts into our "consumption spending" and impacts the economy !!
Maybe if we "fired them all" there would be some "short term suffering" but private industry would figure out to hire them (at competitive wages) and rebuild our industrial base.
And I don't think it would take very long.