I'm not necessarily predicting the ultimate top in Silver but yesterday price was stretched about as far as it was going to be on the short term and did have quite a reversal bar. That's just a heads up for a possible breakdown below its 1st resistance pt. I did have a quick trade on the ultra short Silver ETF:ZSL. But Silver did stop at 1st support and that would need to breakdown to get things going on the downside. The Silver to Gold ratio hit 35 to 1 as well which is the lowest reading in this run up. Need to see that increase showing Silver underperforming to really get things going on the downside. And as you know it always looks like Silver is going to the moon at or near tops. History suggests that attitude will change once again as it always does at some point. And this is April and it has been over 6 months in this rally and is getting long in the tooth. But I wont be stepping in front of any freight trains without some proof I'm not going to get run over. But at the same time I'm starting to smell blood and taste it a little too,lol.