Hey guy!
Good to hear from you...and glad to know Joey is still kickin'... 92 yrs. young eh? Does he still eat dem apples?
I'll never forget, you reminded me of the channel top in si. in 2008...right where I shoulda ran with the profit on my silver call option...had a $18 call option and silver topped out at 21.50 or therebouts...I thought we would hit $25 because I extrapolated....(from the 06 move) and thought it would magnify the move on the chart the same as the last move 2 years previous...but failed to realize the consolidation period was shorter....
Geez....look at the consolidation period on this last move....I think the real secret to the heigth of this last move is related to the difference in the length of the consolidation period....I knew this actually and stepped out instead of following my instincts....when the big move finally came I wussed out......
hehehe.... waaaa....waaaa...waaaaaa....
boo hoo..
But just buying fizzy low saved my ass!
Lesson to be learned...don't confuse trades with investements....
Gonna buy some long-term nat.gas calls now an just sit on em'..... and just write notes to me-self...don't sell don't sell....don't sell....until I find myself in the same situation I am now faced with in this si. market...
give joey an apple for me wouldja? An tell'em Cheers!