Hi Wayne,
No argument at all with your comments !!!
The Dx may be "allowed to drop" until signs of Treasury sales show signs of weakening ???
I don't want to "start a Fed. argument" on the Forum but I think there are some "pretty talented folks" in there.
I think the message has been "sent" to the politicians that they had better get the deficit under control or there won't be much the Fed. can do. I think the "recovery" has gone pretty much the way the Fed. indicated it would. I think that is quite remarkable.
BUTTTT, as noted in your "Wally" post, Crude is taking it's toll. The Fed. has no control over the price of Crude and now the damage is starting to show up.
If the politicians don't get their act together, I don't have much hope. And if our bond rating gets downgraded the "ball game is over" in my opinion !!
Thanks, Lee