Hi Wayne,
All I can say is if Dx does another move tomorrow like it did today, lots of products are going to move.
Where is the "Concert Hall" for all of the Country Music??
That is where I thought it was.
Only time I was in Nashville was to the "Convention Center" and I thought it was next to the Concert hall.
We sold them computers that drove the displays by each conference room door to announce what was going on. It was a "shifting/rotating" display because the whole message would not fit on a single display panel.
That was back in the days when a "pisspot" 8080 computer had to work do drive a fair number of those displays. It may sound "insignificant" but for the day, the conference manager didn't have to run all around with signs as meetings changed. They did it all from the keyboard in the office !!
How did I get into this ?? I pulled up Google Earth to see where the river was relative to Memphis. Next thing you know, I stumbled on Nashville !!!
I guess I'll find the Concert Hall if I fiddle a bit.
Happy Trading,