Yup, sentiment couldn't be much better (ie. in the toilet!) for a preemie bull like this one...most funny-mentally attuned (too close to the glass!?) NG traders appear to have a massive negative bias towards this commodity currently, despite supply/demand shifts that are actually improving incrementally in favor of stronger NG prices by the week.
Ultimately, NG's future will not be determined as much by overall supply, which will actually be a major stabilizing, positive factor for NG's evolution into a global market (ie. LNG game-changer), as it will be by burgeoning demand, both domestically and internationally. It is the demand side of the equation that has driven some of the greatest bull markets of the last decade after-all, and NG is unlikely to be any different. I've seen many traders wish they could turn back the calendar to take advantage of crude at $10 per barrel, Gold at $255 per ounce or $Silver at $4...well that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, lol...but NG is perhaps the ONLY commodity that is now at a ground entry level similar to those past opportunities...sentiment levels show it is there for the taking, but as history suggests for all emerging bull markets, there will be precious few early adopters. All JMHO of course.
Best regards