Glad to hear you got yer calls back before the report came out. Yup, long this market to the hilt now, so 'rakin' it in' would be a fair least for the moment anyway, lol. Gotta be careful not to get cocky here and anger those pesky market gods
. $6 does remain my main intermediate target at which I would look to bank some profits. Anticipating a bullish report next week for NG as well...thinkin' (yup, dangerous I know, lol) this run could take us into late June.
Dumped my last Silver calls this morning for a small profit. Should have done better, but can't complain too much as I've banked a ton of profits in May, first from the short side and then long on the dead-cat bounce. Now I'm net short once again. Missed getting filled on the 34 calls yesterday by one tic...too bad as they almost doubled earlier this afternoon. Looking to increase my short exposure on any rebounds, as I do see $20 (or less!) as a real possibility here in the coming months.
Anyway, just some of my thoughts...hope yer having a good one Ron. Cheers and best regards.