Hi Ceejay,
Thanks for the thoughts/comments ....
Having followed Ng for several years and never figured it out, it remains in my "puzzle category" !! If ever solved, one could make some decent money, else lose your piggy bank !!
I don't paper trade, but will here.
Long NGN11(July) at 4.83
Long NGU11(Sept) at 4.88
Recorded not long after your post. So, we'll see what develops !!!
This really isn't a trade, just an "open ended" starting point to see what happens tomorrow. Have to come up with a stop loss, exit if profitable (increase # of contracts) if want to close some later ?? Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow brings ....
I agree with your "weather comments" and Hal's comments. But this sucker has a way of grabbing you by the butt when you least expect it !!!
Right now, we are losing money !!! 4.826/4.875.
Thanks, Lee