"Anyways...long Natgas/short silver...that's the trade for me right now...(short Euro too...) U.S. dollar's gonna grow legs"
Hey, 'long Natgas/short silver' is the exact same main course I be eatin' these days too, lol. I agree with ya on the greenback as well...strength in that will push Silver (along with the commodity complex in general) over the cliff at some point soon...next week works well for me, so make sure they stick with that timetable alrightee
I've been ramping up the short Silver menu accumulation plan here this week, with more still to add to my plate today.
Interestingly, I believe that a strong U.S. dollar will be beneficial to NG holdings, especially for Canucks like me, due to the positive exchange differential...a weakening loonie will certainly add some 'juice' to long NG positions north of the border.
Anyway, let's get that main course on the table already