How ya doin' buddy?
Well, I went out on a limb and bought 2 Aug. calls...I like the way price has stalled here... looks due for a bounce and the report comes out tomarro...maybe your guess for a bullish report is just a week off? LOL!
Or perhaps it will rally regardless like it does sometimes even on a 'bearish' report...
Anyways I think the seasonals should not have thier usual effect since it is such a unique situation of basing/breaking out, and the summer looks hotter than usual, at least for now....
Well...'sigh'...silver's not acting like I had hoped obviously...should have purchased more Euro puts since that chart was the most convincing for a downside move and not 'assumed' silver would follow....
I guess the Euro must drop for the right reasons for metals to follow... ie. 'dollar strength' because of economic bullish factors, not 'Euro weakness' due to economic chaos....