Re: Newbies be advised / everyone/ Mike R.
The majority here are of a older crowd..most of them don't even know what other forum options there are...and some barely understand the web. There have been numerous times when people gave recommendations...only to be lost in the annals of the forum. Tracking post is a nightmare. A month from now you won't even be able to track this post. Anyway, I won't rant any more about the functionality of the forum....that was not intent of my post. What my intent was is that because of the functionality of the form, newbies can lurk and profess something they are not. I pisses me off every time I visit to see fake people on the board. For the exception of a hand full of people...nobody reveals their real name. How are you supposed to learn anything from anybody...if you can't get their real name. You can see my frustration as well as that of other in this regard.