Well, it has only been recently really fun when I spent most of the day selling the SPY puts I bought last week. Luckily I don't have futures in NG; I have HNU that, although it too can disappear, doesn't have a fixed execution date, anyway. Ophelia, if it survives the currently pretty hostile environment, will most likely be an atlantic storm and not affect the US mainland at all. Although conditions remain marinally favourable for a eastern gulf/Florida storm over the next 5 days or so, storm prospects look set to rise markedly during the last few days of September and the first week of October when a big planetary wave called the Madden-Julien oscillation (or MJO) enters the Caribbean. Its very effective at promoting thunderstorms and a hurricane is just a group of thunderstorms that coverge and by adding their angular momentum, begin to rotate. So we'll see. We'll also see if the Nat Gas Bill gets anywhere in the Congress during the next little while. Positive incentives have been taken out of the bill to appease the Tea Party, but significant tax incentives remain. Have a good one. CJ