Looks like 200 mil sent to JPMorgan Chase on Oct 28th the last business day before MF filed bankrucpty contained client money. Also a snippent from the article below.
Interesting to note in other articles that I read is that JPMorgan Chase was trying to block the 72% distribution to MF clients because they want all the money to be included in the pool of creditor money that they can get their hands on because they hold bonds in MF Global that is unsecurred credit.
No lets see who gave Ms O'brien the go ahead over the phone to transfer 200 mil to JPMorgan Chase. She is working with the Trustee now on this. She is also now lawyered up, but is using the same lawyer that Berrnie Ebbers of WorldCom/MCI fame used. Didn't he get something like 25 years at the age of 70, and most likely die in prison!!!
The way I see it is Corzine is not the president or running for president. Therefore, he cannot pardon someone, if they lean into a pitch and take one for the team and serve a few years in prison. Presidents on the last couple of days before they leave office tend to pardon a few individuals. Just keep squeezing that tube of tooth paste until you get to the top dog that gave the order.