I would suggest you call the law firm involved in the MF Global bankrucpty and ask to speak to a lawyer involved in the MF bankrucpty. I would of thought you would of been in distribution 2, since you said you had no positions. Did you have a commodities account or a securities account? They may be handling them somewhat different. Tell them you had no positions and still have not received a distribution. You want to insure to file the claim form. I belive the cutoff is Jan. 31. My understanding is for any monies not returned then we will automatically have a claim against MF as one of them many creditors.
They are still trying to figure out our pecking order in who gets paid in what order. We will be throwing elbows with the like of Jammie Diamond/JP Morgan/Chase. They tried to stop the 72% distribution, and get that money put into a pool for all creditors. Them being one of them. The trustee alread tried to get money back from the UK for US Customers that had money in the UK that they used for trading on foreign exchanges and the UK told him to take a hike it was their money to distribute across the pond.
MF was 39+ billion in debt, and said its assets were 41 billion. Therefore, their total net worth was about equal to the amount of money that went missing. Yet Johnny and his cronnies like the CFO have no clue how an amount of money equal to the whole net worth of their company is missing, and where it went. I guess 1.2 billion is an insignificant amout form them to keep track of.
I included the link to the law firm. I doubt you get a lawyer when you call, but they will take your name and number for a call back.