As an impartial Canadian I still say by making Obama and government look unworkable the public will toss most incumbents out on their ass in Nov. Polls have suggested this will occur. And with 21 Democrat Senators and only 10 Republican Senators up for re-election the math looks very good for the Republicans to have a clear majority in the Senate afterwards with this combination. And no President has every won a 2nd term with a high unemployment rate and poor economics. I think politically it is the perfect plan for the Republicans to make things unworkable into November and take all levels of government.
It has always amazed me how little power a President has in the U.S. relative to all the other levels of government. In a Parliament style government like in Canada if the governing party has a majority in elected members they can pass damn near anything they wish and have absolute power. Only thing the opposition has other than bitching about it all is the press to help plead their case really. The Senate in a Parliament style government is more or less a rubber stamp to iron out fine details and at best slow down legislation for a short while. And they are not elected but appointed by past governments and can spend many years as a Senator. Canada finally got rid of the corrupt incompetent Liberal government a few years ago and finally elected a Majority Conservative government. That is why Canada is doing so well now "relative" to the rest of the world. But it does take time to correct the damage done from previous Liberal governments unfortunately. The present Conservative government now is trying to slow down borrowing and rising house prices etc. Much better problem to have than what a Liberal government tends to produce.