Hi CeeJay,
Thanks for the update, comments !!
I was going to post my thoughts earlier but hearing the latest area weather report decided to go to the food store first !!! Only expect 2-3 inches of snow, but a "solid freeze up" by morning !!! I don't need cleaning ice off the truck/suv just to eat tomorrow. It will melt in a day or two !!!
It does sound like more than "just a few" are looking for a bit of colder weather to pick Ng price up a bit.
The way today's price action looked (might as well include yesterday as well) it looks like more than "just a few" are groping for straws and the market is getting nowhere !!!!
I think the uncertainty on production cutbacks will have more to do with price "turmoil" than anything else for the short term (week or so). Then, no solidly identifiable cutbacks "down she goes" !!!!
Also, I think the Feb. options on NGH12 expired today ?? Possibly that had a bit to do with price holding up as well as it has the last couple of days ??? Monday should shed some light on that.
Good Luck,