It is a fact that a lie has a finite life and truth is eternal. This is true and proven over and over in the world of trading. there was an ol' windbag that was a self proclaimed cattle expert --he called for a cattle high at 90 area---not to be herd from since. Spent several years saying he was an expert-called all the price trends. Of Course self promotion is not a lonely SOP for those wishing to sell their wares or pump an ego, but sooner or later the truth wins out. Always seems those that SAY they know the most are at the front of the bogus line. Truth is NOBODY can predict price. Whether charts, fundamentals, cycles whatever--- none is predictive of price. O anybody can run a scam but sucessful traders are those that manage risks/trades. Of course most brokers can't tell you that. They want you to think they have some "gift" or learned insight to price discovery. I believe some even repeat the lie so much they begin to believe it! The skills that make a trader are disipline and control over emotion/greed/ fear. That can't be found in a system or a tout. But that is not going to stop the carnival barkers----just read the archives! Course when things go bad-----they pull a houdini, and move on the next guliible scam victim. But really if you think about it if they COULD TRADE why would they mess with the headache of being a commod pimp?