i was watching the tickers a bunch today. All the buyers were out of the money, adding position at lower prices. I saw ratios like 2500 buyers bidding to 900 sellers asking. Only at one point at the end of the day did I see anything even close to a 1:1.
I honestly don't know what this means, or if it is significant. But it occurs to me that if I was a paniced seller I would not be asking to buy back at a lower price than market. I was hoping to see that this was the case, due to a belief I conjured up of going long and seeing Wheat catch up to a sharper rally than Soybeans.
If the USDA comes out as a shock, then I could (conspiracy theory style) believe that it could be a catalyst to the market move up to $$7.70 or $8.00 range. ? who knows until it happens.
I have no other explanation than to see buyers sitting there at that range. More patience, then we will see where the market will head.
Thanks for reading my badgering.