Here is a link to the Bradley Dates that predict a 'turn' in the direction of the broad markets. Last year it showed Feb 17/11 as the 1st "major" turn which was only one day off when the market topped out and sold off. The 2nd date for 2011 was July 29th which was also timely for a turn in the markets as they rolled over and plunged into the August lows. And the 3rd major date for 2011 was Dec 28 that was also a turning point in the markets bottoming then and the SPX gaining 142 pt since then despite economic chaos around the world. For 2012 the 1st major turn date is tomorrow March 16th. And the next in June. Scroll down to see these charts. The "Major" dates in bold type are the main ones to track. I have been surprised at just how timely these major turn dates have been.