We had the stock bubble pop in 2001 ending that bull run then we had the R.E bubble pop in 2008 ending that bubble. We are now witnessing the largest and most devastating bubble about to pop. Interest rates and the bond, treasury markets. This will be more devastating than all the other combined. Why? It is the largest. What will politically come from the ashes of this are very scary. I and several others tried to warn of the pending stock bubble back in '97. Now again this interst bubble will make the Real Estate collapse look like a walk in the park. My hope is that enough will not only prepare, but thrive during this collapse to be able to rise from the ashes to establish once again a true free market system and not this bogus federal reserve crony capitalism. That is my hope, but my reality is that a few will prepare and survive what is to come. Just keep it quiet since you will be targeted as one who is selfish when the reality is you were prepared. Buy TBT, buy bond puts, sell bonds etc. If you need help let me know. Best of luck