Re: hello aka hunter.. _ *Jhn - SP 500 *PIC*
Jhn, Wow nice work on that 1417.75 short! I lost count on the abc's. Some times I can see it, other times not a clue from E.W. counts, but other tools are there to do the job. I haven't trade the Yen for some time now. Corn I did trade it last year. Did a phenomenal trade bc of a gap in my favor, got scare and took my profits. Lost 3k in coffee. But overall doing good!
Jhn Here is a ES 60 minute chart with a bullish directional bias. The objective is at 1417.75 for 04/19/12 at 16:30 give or take a fist full of hours LOL
The red arrows are the intraday trading objectives or trade evaluation points. The original voiding point was this morning at 1383.25, now is up at 1386.00. As the market moves up so is the voiding point.
Will see my friend, In due time the market will show us the way!