Yes that's what's important now bumping that 4 month downtrendline and April high. If it backs off on some b.s. media report all these inverse markets that have been selling off will rebound with the 'happy days are hear again" story. Seems to be easy to make this stuff up,lol. And lets not forget the PPT that needs to keep things looking good into early November. That is what it's really all about.
And yes I went out to the range Monday with "'PRECIOUS" and we had a ball together. She's a fine piece of machinery for sure. With the very heavy frame up front and thin light slide there is little muzzle flip. It was a hell of a good idea of the Czechs. Glad I bought the CZ 75 Shadow instead of a Glock 17 or 34. And the trigger doesn't need any work at all as it is light with a very short pull. I was told the was created for competition and didn't need customizing which can get very expensive. Only thing it needs is a large over sized safety for my right thumb to rest on. That gives one a high more stable grip on the gun and tenses out the wrist muscles so there is less hand movement shooting. It seems to lock up the hand and wrist nicely so less movement. And its nice buying non re loadable 9 mil ammo which costs about 24 cents a round which here is cheap. Nice not having to pick up brass and clean it and then reload it. Just blast the crap out everything and move on. So have you been shooting your AR-10 recently? I thought of you at the range when a guy showed me a 6 inch special high density steel target on a stand that can be shot with any power available today without marking the steel plate. And it makes a nice sound when hit. Apparently you can shoot it with most any high powered gun or rifle with no damage. And it just jumps a little and flips back again so can be shot multiple times rapidly. Nice target for sure. Jeez,something else I might have to buy now. Damn these shooters with their trick stuff......................