Despite what Obama has done to save this country from a great depression, You want him out of office. Not for lack of a job well done, But because of some imagined propoganda . He saved OUR automakers, He increased VETERAN benefits, and unlike Romney, Obama has to help create jobs,Not operate a private equity that answers only to investors (of which i know first hand). He took down Bin Laden and he did so without a long extensive senseless war that he ended in Iraq. We should have been out of there when no weapons were found. Instead thousands more of our own men and women died in vain.
It was harder for me to establish a private equity than sit at the helm of one. I know how easy it is to run a private equity compared to country that must consider EVERYONE, Not just what one party wants.. I established one that i remain as head since 1995. I will remain anonymous here, But we currently hold 8 companies which have created jobs and that is our culture and always has been (Unlike Bain)
We need to vote out the unpatriotic GOP who has sold out and shipped jobs and factories overseas. Which are slowly coming back thanks to Mr. Obama.
Just because Obama is not cleaning up the mess created by the GOP fast enough, doesn't mean you give the country back to the SAME policies that destroyed it to begin with.
When the GOP had great men like Ronald Reagan who truly did work to create jobs by easing passage for JOB CREATORS, We flourished. The current GOP are a bunch of D List wannabees who are heavily partisan. The only good Republican i am familiar with is Scott Brown. Romney? A one term governor who will destroy this country. This country is stabilized under Obama and will continue to progress well with him.
It seems every time a democratic defense post is made here, There is the idea that this person is a freeloader and we are all sucking the government "teet" I can assure, I worked for everything i have and i am likely to have a lot more collectively than those of you who claim independents (myself) or democrats freeload for. And i will vote for Obama for one reason, He has done his job well!