Well it's not the frequency that is important but the quality. Like the old saying goes " I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was." I lost my far better half years ago and despite missing her constantly I do enjoy not having to compromise everything I do in my life. It is something that I notice most don't enjoy. I guess that's why I still live alone after so many years and enjoy the complete independence and decision making on everything living alone. Never had such a total sense of freedom. Hence my comment on renting companionship. Not that I suggest just hiring hookers is the answer but in Ronbo's case or anyone I guess, keeping a relationship at arms length and NOT bringing it home is the answer from what I have seen and observed is the best of both worlds. If you analyze relationships I've found it wasn't the big things that screwed a relationship up. It was the small multitude of irritating things while living together that did the damage. Eliminate the individual day to day irritating habits we all have at home when living together and you've got the best of what's left. I've spoken to a few people that are presently doing this and are crazy about each other. They also wouldn't live with each other for a variety of reasons. So the theory goes in any case. Not that I'm an expert but it sure sounds like a good plan to me,lol.....................