Hi Wayne,
Pretty fantastic accomplishment !!!!! AND the Gov't actually "made money on it" !!!!!
I wish I still had the "study" done by a very bright guy at Boeing in the late '70's that showed that a dollar spent at that level "turned over" 45 or more times as it trickled down through the economy - being taxed on every turn !!!! And generates many, many jobs !!
Of course, the Network News highlights the 2.5 billion cost and forgets to mention the over 100 billion in tax revenues generated from it !!!!!
Obama type spending may turn over 3 to 5 times, and most of the recipients don't pay any taxes at all !!!!!!!!!!
On Life: Always wondered about that !!!! Maybe millions of years back, before things cooled down .....:???? Maybe they will discover Oil from an old dinosaur patch, then have to figure out how to "run a hose" to bring it back !!!!
Take care,