Hi CeeJay,
Thanks for the update and Ng comments !!!
I haven't followed Ng that closely for at least 6 weeks, maybe more. There seemed to be too much "fiddling" going on with that "overhang" and I did not trust what was coming out in the storage reports.
I would trade it if I caught an intraday trend, but was in and out in short order. Didn't lose, but didn't make much either !!!!! Maybe things will start to settle down now.
Not to get "long winded here", but I think the "big power gen. buyers" were still "weaning themselves off some coal" and taking Ng off the spot market as needed as loads fluctuated. I have a suspicion that this weeks injection may be lower than expected. We'll see what tomorrow's preliminary estimates start to show.
Anyway, I have to start paying closer attention now that colder weather is coming along and your weather estimates sure seem to be "right on" !!!!!
Thanks, Lee