Moore Research accumulates seasonal trend data and is not just into opinions or other commentary. Just the facts ma'am type of thing. Any book you read or chart on commodities you see for years back usually has MRCI on the bottom corner of it displaying one of their charts. Major institutions use them as their info gives the historical odds of a trade working. The seasonal trends are calculated in 5yr, 15yr 25yr and sometimes 30yr and if you subscribe as I have in the past just for this info, are overlaid so you can see if the seasonal trend has changed in any of the time frames. Sometimes the fundamentals do change and a 5 year trend may not match the longer term trends. Good to know. But they have a ton of stuff on their site too numerous to list. A lot of free stuff too including long term charts going back to the 70's which are interesting to view. I subscribe now and again for those seasonal trend charts in multiple time frames. Much better than the free long term seasonal trend charts. But every month they give you the best 15 straight trades along with 15 spread trades that have at least an 80% accuracy rate using seasonal trends. It costs $49 per month. See link bottom left of post.