I like the story. I agree that we keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results . It takes an untainted mind ( his 9 old year son) to see things from a different (innocent) perspective. What's interesting for me is that the scientist has made the greatest discovery that is not that great if you will. Why? because from dust the "body" comes and to dust the body goes. -- What should be interesting is to discover that essence that comes in to that "dust" and keeps it a live, giving you the body you are currently wearing. Yes I'm saying that you are not the body. You use the body to be able to experience this plain. The greatest discovery is when you discover who you really are.
When you discover, "experience" who you really are, then a totally different perception emerge. A perception base on a experience of " was, is, will be" . What you are, that essence is so incredibly beautiful that when you experience it, it will make you cry, Not tears of pain or sorrow, but tears of joy, tears of thankfulness, gratitude, and as you cry, you will also laugh because you are feeling that gratitude, that overwhelming joy of knowing, "experiencing" how incredibly beautiful you are. ---Pretty words are this, awesome words but they are more than words. I back them up with my own experience, and you can have your own experience, no words needed when you are having your very own experience.
Here is a quote for you to think about "If you can find enjoyment in your breath, where can you go that enjoyment will not be?" P.R.
Below is a link for you to go and do your own investigation. I warm you that it is with the heart that you investigate. The mind will not understand the language been spoken there.