Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Who Do I Go To...

To open a trading account that won't require me to allow them the right to steal my money as Corzine did @MFG? My healing process is nearly complete and I'm gettin' ready to re-enter the fray.

If youse guys promise to treat me kindly, I will attempt to add something to the various discussions. Not sayin that it'll always make sense, but perhaps there can be some value to my musings at times.

Background (not that it matters): I was involved in the markets up close and personal way back when, when options were just re-introduced to the futures mkts. NOBODY down LaSalle Street had a clue about them, so my company hired a coupla CBOT specialists to come and tutor us. Hence I became a fond options and futures combo player.

That's me. I follow all the mkts and trade what looks like the best opportunities. Here's to successful trades, ladies and gents.
